Plenary talk at Childrens Tumor Foundation World Conference 2024

Plenary talk awarded at coming Childrens Tumor Foundation conference in Brussels, Belgium regarding TOOsonix treatment of cutaneous neurofibroma

The Global NF Conference hosted by the Childrens Tumor Foundation is a key venue for attracting and nurturing new investigators in neurofibromatosis/schwannomatosis research and clinical care. The conference is expected to attract over 1,000 clinicians, researchers, and patients from around the world.

Non-invasive High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) treatment of Cutaneous Neurofibromas (cNF): Protocol and recommendations for treatment of smaller tumors

Prof. Sirkku Peltonen, Helsinki University Hospital (previously at Sahlgrenska University Hospital)


See the abstract here

Childrens Tumor Foundation internet site here